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Why magnesium is a saviour for period symptoms like cramps (and how to get your fix)

Millennial woman laying on her back holding her legs to relieve period cramps

Magnesium is a superhero for PMS symptoms, particularly cramps. Not to mention SUCH an important mineral for our health and wellbeing.

Magnesium has many benefits for our health and many people can be deficient and not realise. It contributes to energy production, helps with digestion, relieves anxiety and more. But it can also be hugely effective in relieving PMS symptom such as period cramps and keeping our hormones happy. Let’s take a look at what PMS symptoms magnesium can relieve:

PMS headaches

Do you suffer from those dreaded PMS headaches? Research has found magnesium to be effective in preventing ‘menstrual migraines’. Other research has found a link between magnesium deficiency and onset of menstrual migraines. Your magnesium levels tend to be a lot lower on your period due to your hormones. During your period, your body will produce the hormones oestrogen and progesterone. The higher these levels, the lower your magnesium levels. For more relief from PMS headaches check out our recent blog here.


Magnesium is very effective in relaxing muscles. This is the perfect relief when the cramps hit. When you have menstrual cramps, you experience pain from your uterus muscles contracting. Taking magnesium helps to relax these uterine muscles and offers relief from cramping pain.


 We are all familiar with those annoying PMS cravings. But it’s suggested that your body craving chocolate is actually a cry for magnesium. Ensuring you are getting enough magnesium can, therefore, help combat chocolate cravings. Dark chocolate is particularly high in magnesium and rich in antioxidants, so is a great PMS snack!

Happy hormones

 We’ve all had those feelings of unexplained anger, sadness or irritability around our period. But did you know magnesium can help boost your mood by playing a role in serotonin production? Serotonin is a mood-boosting hormone. Magnesium can convert tryptophan (an amino-acid) into serotonin, which will, therefore, balance your mood.
Magnesium can also play a role in preventing fatigue, helping you get a better night sleep and regulating body temperature – it’s an all-around saviour!

How to get your magnesium fix

 There are many sources of magnesium, so you won’t struggle to get your fix!

  • Magnesium-rich foods:

 Fill your plate with magnesium-rich foods such as spinach, quinoa, black beans and whole grains. Period snacks are a must. So, fill up on snacks such as almonds, dark chocolate, popcorn and pumpkin seeds. These are all high in magnesium so will help you get your fix! If you want something a bit more exciting, mix your almonds with chilli, lemon and olive oil. If you love baking, you can make some dark chocolate popcorn bars. We love these popcorn bars from Gina Burgess.

  • Magnesium supplements:

 You can also take magnesium vitamin supplements. Opt for magnesium glycinate as it is one of the most absorbable forms and is easy on the stomach. Magnesium effervescence supplements are also available. You simply pop one into a glass of water and let it dissolve. This will also help ensure you are drinking enough water, which helps combat bloating! Just remember, when taking a new supplement, it’s advisable to consult a GP or dietician beforehand.

  • Magnesium bath:

 If there is ever a good time to pamper yourself, it’s when you’re on your period. Run yourself a bath and add some Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate). Magnesium can actually be absorbed through the skin. This will also help reduce aches and relax the body. Add some candles and soothing music for that extra relaxing atmosphere.

Who knew one nutrient could be so effective with so many PMS symptoms! Have you tried upping your magnesium around your period? Do you find it effective? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @totmorganic. Please note, like all good things, it’s important to have it in moderation! Taking too much magnesium can give you an upset stomach so be wary not to overdo it.

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