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The Period Taboo: What YOU can do to end the silence


Why in 2017 is there still a period taboo? Why are we still shy when it comes to chatting about our periods? Hiding tampons up our sleeves, and feeling mortified at the idea of period leakage. It’s not your fault, it’s the way society makes us feel about periods.

Periods are natural. Yet, we often shuffle around topics related to our menstrual cycles. We (at TOTM) often talk about the period taboo, and that’s because we believe it’s outdated.

Truth is, most of us LOVE to share information these days, thanks to social sites like Instagram. You only need to take a brief scroll through your feed to see what people are having for lunch, wearing to brunch or buying for their new home. How often, do you see someone sharing a post talking about their menstrual cramps? Or junk food binge fuelled by period cravings? Not so often.


You can make a difference

Admittedly, shouting about your personal life online is not to everyone’s taste. But this is just an example. The period taboo is an issue throughout the world, and it impacts everyday real life.

We hear of people getting banished for having a period in certain countries or even getting fired from a job following a period related incident. This sends a very negative message about periods.

It’s important to address this issue to protect ourselves and the younger generation. Nobody should be made to feel isolated or self-conscious because of their period. We should be talking openly about our periods and period-related symptoms. That way we can support each other and learn from each other which is important to our health.

On a serious note, open conversations about periods can prevent period-related anxiety. Conversations can also raise awareness of health concerns like Endometriosis that many could be suffering in silence.

Whether it’s a face to face conversation, over text, on the phone or even on social media – we need to ‘normalise’ period talk.


Do you agree?

If you’re reading this post, nodding along and feeling like you want to make a difference then here’s the good news. YOU CAN! Here’s what you can do to help lose the period taboo:


Talk openly about your period

Don’t feel scared or worried to talk to your friends, colleagues, family members, band of fellow Instagram followers about your period. It could be a light-hearted conversation with friends where you share remedies to soothe cramps. We challenge you to get the conversation going! Do not suffer unbearable symptoms (physical or emotional) in silence. Speak out and be honest with your nearest and dearest.
It’s important to also talk openly with your Doctor. If you notice anything unusual with your period, or if your PMS symptoms are impacting your life then talk to a GP. This is so important to look after your body and keep yourself in good health.


Don’t stand for period shaming

If someone tries to make you feel embarrassed about your period or if you hear someone being negative about periods then take a stand. Take inspo from the super talented Janelle Monae. She shut down period shamers on Twitter (More on this here).


Join in period-taboo related campaigns

Social media has been a platform for many changes in our modern society. So, it’s no surprise that the period taboo is being tackled on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The #LiveTweetYourPeriod campaign is one example. This started in the US, asking women to share real details of their periods. We at TOTM have also recently launched our #TalkingPeriods hashtag. A hashtag that takes on the taboo head-on. It encourages people to get involved by sharing real period-related stories, tips and discussions. You can find out more about our campaign here.


Support those new to this whole period thing

If your daughter, younger sister, or friend has yet to get or just got their first period then offer support. Encourage them to see that they shouldn’t feel embarrassed when being honest or open about their period. Have an open dialogue, where you can provide support to help them manage their period each month. If you can change their perception of periods then it can have a positive impact on their generation going forward #MiniPeriodPioneers
Are you ready to make a difference? Take to Twitter and join in our #TalkingPeriods campaign! If you use the hashtag to share a period-related story, tip or thought on the period taboo then we’ll enter you into our competition. You could *win a 6-month TOTM subscription plus one of our ever-popular BKTYV cosmetic mirrors. Exciting! Join in now either on Instagram or Twitter.

*The campaign is live from 19th September 2017 to the 3rd October. To enter the competition we’re asking for users to share a period related tip or story on either Twitter (tweet) or Instagram (post) using the hashtag #TalkingPeriods. All uses of the hashtag will be monitored and logged by TOTM to enter users into a competition. Comments and replies using the hashtag will not be counted as an entry.

The winner will receive a 6-month subscription to TOTM (6 cycles, maximum of 3 products p/cycle) plus a single ‘Be Kinder To Your Vagina’ cosmetic mirror. The competition closes at midnight on 22nd October 2017. The winner will be selected at random and announced on social media. TOTM will attempt to contact the winner directly. The winner will need to respond to provide product needs and address details. All products must be claimed by 31st December 2018. TOTM has the right to withdraw this competition and any further promotions at any time without permission or notice.

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