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Real-life experience of switching to eco-friendly period care

Looking to up your period game and go green with eco-friendly period care? Then this blog is for you! We’ve captured real experiences to help you make the switch.

There are many reasons why you might be looking for eco-friendly period care. Perhaps you’ve read about the damage plastic applicators have on our environment? or perhaps you are fed up with not knowing what your conventional products are made of?

Whatever your reason, before making the switch it’s natural to do some research and chat with others who’ve already switched products. With this in mind, we’ve pulled together this mini guide. If you’re unsure which eco-friendly period care alternative to choose and/or have doubts over their performance, then this might be of use.

First things first: Disposables vs reusables

This is a good place to start. Reusables are a popular option for a ‘green period’. They can be reused so you send no waste to landfill on your period. Reusable options include cups, pads and period underwear.

But not everyone will get on with reusables. It’s all about personal choice after all! So, organic cotton disposables are also another great option. They function like conventional products so won’t feel unfamiliar to the products that you’re used to. But with the added benefits of being made from natural, organic cotton which is also biodegradable. Plus, with our organic products, we swap plastic applicators for cardboard and use paper or biofilm wrappers!

Feedback from people who made the switch

Now for the interesting bit! We spoke to women who made the switch to get their feedback. Sadly, this just covers off organic cotton and menstrual cups (because these are our real customers and we’re yet to stock other reusables).  But this should help you out:

Organic cotton period care


Why did you switch to organic cotton?

“I wanted to use a product that didn’t use so much plastic. I’m slowly trying to eliminate single-use plastics in my everyday life wherever possible. Until I started to research ways to reduce my plastic use I had no idea there were organic cotton products. I assumed I would have to switch to a cup.”

Feedback on using the organic period care:

“I work as a gardener and was a little concerned how they would fare given the heat and exercise level, but they have been brilliant.”


Why did you switch to organic cotton?

“I wanted a ‘kinder to the environment and ‘kinder to me’ product.”

Feedback on using the organic period care:

“I don’t feel like I’m sat on a cushion, a plastic one at that. No more feeling uncomfortable and urgh I’m really on my period. TOTM so comfortable and no fake perfume smell, why do other companies do that?!? Very positive, there is no going back.”


Why did you switch to organic cotton?

“Less plastic waste, better for the body, found out the amount of chemicals in normal tampons!!”

Feedback on using the organic period care:

“More comfortable usage, and mostly appreciating convenience and care for body/planet”

Menstrual cup:


Why did you switch to a menstrual cup?

“I wanted to reduce the amount of disposable & plastic products I use. I also hated the thought of all the chemicals in usual period products.”

Feedback on using the cup:

“Insertion wise, I didn’t find any difference between tampons and a cup. Once you get the hang of the folds, it’s really simple! And a lot easier than you think!”

Everything changed when I tried the TOTM cup – it was so easy to insert and sealed straight away, I wore the cup for approx 6 hours the first time and I couldn’t feel it at all.”


Why did you switch to a menstrual cup?

“I wanted to try a cup to prevent using so many sanitary products during my periods. I also needed to try to prevent leaking during the day, due to heavy menstrual bleeding and clots.”

Feedback on using the cup:

“Personally, there’s no comparison. Even with an applicator, putting a tampon in feels dry and wrong. With a cup, you can measure how much blood loss there is, so it’s easier to monitor, especially if you chart your cycle like I do.

As soon as I held the TOTM cup, it felt softer and more malleable. Folding it was easier and when it was in, I didn’t feel discomfort at all. I will definitely continue to use the cup. As I have menorrhagia, overnight I use TOTM night pads and period pants, but during the day it’s the cup, I only use one day pad as a precaution.”


Why did you switch to a menstrual cup?

“I had made the switch to using organic tampons but wanted to try something which I think is one step better!”

Feedback on using the cup:

“When I first used the cup, I had a little trouble inserting it…but once I figured it out it was fine. I wore a sanitary towel the first 2 times I used the cup and only used it when I was at home…just in case. But I feel completely comfortable with the cup now. Feels like there is nothing there.

When inserted correctly you absolutely cannot feel this at all. I feel like it is more hygienic top. Better for the environment and better for my body.”

Are you ready to make the switch to eco-friendly period care? Discover TOTM cups and organic cotton period care. For more eco-friendly period tips, check out this post about cutting waste on your period.

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