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Period hacks: Tips to ease discomfort on your period

Looking for period hacks to ease period-related discomfort? Whether it’s a remedy for period cramps or a skin saviour for hormonal breakouts. To get tried & tested tips we asked people from our period powerful community to share their period hacks!

I don’t know about you, but I personally love discovering new period hacks! This is because I suffer painful cramps. It’s taken me a while but from reading up and chatting with my friends, I now have go-to remedies to ease the pain on my period.

In case you’re wondering, I swear by a warm bath filled with magnesium salts if my cramps hit and I’m at home. But generally I prep in advance for cramps! I make sure I eat well and prepare my body for my period (but that’s another blog!).

Finding period hacks that work for YOU

We are all different, so it’s important to go with what works for you. This can take some trial and error but it’s an amazing feeling finding a remedy that helps you manage your period.

To help you discover new hacks we called upon our Period Powerful community. We asked them to share their go-to remedies and here are our top 8 period hacks:


“I find that drinking peppermint tea during my period helps calm my digestive system, which in turn helps ease my cramps! I’m sure there’s a link there somewhere!”


“For when you have extremely bad cramps- lie down flat and rub your two hands together till they feel very warm and press both your hands onto your lower stomach/ womb area. The heat is always lovely, and a Turkish lady actually recommended that it was a good way to help relieve some pain or discomfort momentarily.”


“All I feel like doing is curling up in a ball during my period, but this only makes my cramps worse. Being active, even if I can only manage walking round the house or cooking makes me feel so, so much better.”


“Fennel tea really helps when I feel bloated during my period.”


“Develop good musculature with fun, vigorous exercise – I love kickboxing, and the muscles I gain from the workout fight off those terrible cramps! – but around your period, be kind to yourself. Go for slow, gentler exercise like swimming or yoga – and eat all the dark chocolate you want! It contains magnesium, which helps alleviate cramps and increase energy.”


“If you suffer from tender breasts, switch to a wireless bra. If there is a specific issue with mastalgia (breast pain) then I would recommend Evening Primrose Oil.”


“A relaxing cup of passionflower, cinnamon and chamomile tea helps release muscle tension and prevents pre-menstrual backache. Drink at least one cup a day for a few weeks for full effect.”


“I put a heat pad in my rucksack, so when I’m walking around it warms the bottom of my back and reduces the pain.”

We love these period hacks and hope you did too! Do you have a tip to share? What’s your go-to remedy on your period? Let us know in the comment below or come chat to us on socials. For more period hacks, check out this blog with tips for pad users to help you feel comfortable during the summer months.

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