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The one with the spring equinox

Spring has finally arrived, hooray! For a while there things got pretty bleak but the clocks go forward on Sunday, which means good times lie ahead and no, I’m not just talking about all the Easter chocolate! It feels like the perfect time for a detox, to blow out the cobwebs and get motivated again. It’s time to put the spring, quite literally, back in our step and here’s 15 tips on how to cleanse your mind, body and soul, to get you started:


  1. Get organised. Declutter your house, start meal-planning, use a diary. Whatever works for you. I find if it’s written down and I know I’m not going to forget then I worry less.
  2. Meditation. In this digital age we live in we’re always plugged-in. Take some ‘me time’ without any screens to find that inner calm. Sometimes just a long soak in the bath with no distractions will do the job and yoga is brilliant too.
  3. Reading. A luxury I usually only indulge in on holiday but something I really enjoy and find relaxing. Nothing beats a good book.
  4. Be inspired. Inspiration can be found in many places and can lead you down new and exciting paths. Social media is full of motivational quotes – we even share them from time to time on the TOTM Instagram page, so give us a follow.
  5. Learn something new – mix things up a little, it’s good to take a break from the routine, forget your worries and expand your mind to new possibilities. Take a vegan cooking class, jewellery making, roller derby even. Whatever takes your fancy. You never know, it might become a new hobby!


  1. Get moving. It sounds cliché but once those endorphins start pumping you’ll feel revived in no time. I recently joined the Fitbit crew and am aiming to hit my 10,000 steps daily target (which is harder than I imagined having a desk job). If you already workout three times a week, challenge yourself to five.
  2. It sounds obvious but eating right is so important. Stuff your face with veggies (not the starchy ones), steam as much as you can and go easy on the salt. For more on diet, read our blog on ‘what to eat on your period’.
  3. A good night’s sleep. Again, obvious, but things really do always look more positive after some proper rest. If like me you struggle to switch off at night, try writing a ‘to do’ list for the next day. Organising your thoughts and clearing your mind of any distractions.
  4. Give your skincare routine a spruce up. There’s loads of fantastic natural products out there so whilst we’re all creatures of habit and have our go-to products, you might just find a new favourite.
  5. Detox your period. An unusual concept right? Actually, it’s a no-brainer when there’s been so much in the media lately about TSS, tampons breaking in half inside you and women losing legs to infections caused by mainstream tampons. Better to be safe than sorry. 100% organic cotton products reassure me that I’m doing something good for my body and in line with my ‘get organised’ goal, I can even get my products delivered to my door on a date of the month to suit my cycle, thanks to TOTM. One less worry.


  1. It’s nice to be nice. Last month was ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ week but why stop there. Keep the momentum going and give yourself a pat on the back for making some else’s day.
  2. Make time for fun. Date nights, catch ups with your girlfriends, day trips with the kids. These are the moments which feed our souls and build special memories that last a life time. Super cheesy but so true. After all, who on their death bed will look back and think, “I’m so glad I always had a clean house and worked every minute of the day”. Live in the present and relish every moment.
  3. Get rid of toxic influences. We all know that certain someone who just can’t be happy for us when things are going well… surround yourself with people who build you up.
  4. Break free of fear. Pay attention to the specific, persistent fears in your life and work towards overcoming them. It’s empowering when things which have previously held you back no longer have a hold over you.
  5. Stop comparing yourself to others. Period. You are good enough.

Daisy, from Bath.

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