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#SwitchStories: Anna’s experience using organic cotton period care

Our customer Anna shares her experience switching to TOTM organic cotton period care. Read her switch story below #SwitchStories

Every aspect of the product has been a pleasant experience

What is your first name?


Why did you choose to switch to TOTM products?

 I was searching for a product which would allow me overall comfort during my cycle and also allow me peace of mind without the heavy stench of chemicals every time I open a pad.

Had you used organic cotton period care products before using TOTM?

 No I have not actually

When using conventional period care products (non-organic) did you experience any discomfort or irritation?

 Yes, yes, yes. A lot of discomforts and I also suffered from rashes every cycle.

What TOTM products did you use/have you trialled?

 Day pads

Night pads

Have you noticed any improvements since switching to organic cotton?

 YES! No discomfort at all, I’m not sore and also a less heavy cycle and bad cramps.

Overall, did you find this was a negative or positive experience using the organic products? (Please consider performance, comfort etc)

 Positive. Every aspect of the product has been a pleasant experience. They’re packaged lovely, they feel extremely comfortable and they are great to wear on the daily.

How likely are you to continue using TOTM products?

 Extremely likely

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