In the bustle of life, it can be easy to neglect our own well-being. I’m very guilty of not setting time aside for myself and it can often get on top of me.
If we always put work, others and goals first and don’t take any time for ourselves, it’ll only lead to a state of exhaustion. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge advocate for hard work. But I also believe it’s so important to do what makes YOU happy.
Take some time out
Taking a bit of time each day to do something for yourself is so important. Try making time for a self-care session. Plan it into your week or weekend. Here are a few 6 things to try for self-care:
Don’t be afraid to say no:
I’m sure we have all done it. Saying yes to things we don’t want to do because we feel guilty saying ‘no’. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s OK to say no.
Feeling super stressed with loads to do and a friend asks to see you? Learn to say no. The chances are you’ll only end up more stressed. If you feel guilty, offer an alternative. Sometimes, you need to be selfish. If saying yes to something means losing sleep in the evening to ensure you get all your jobs for the day done – say no! The feeling of relief will overpower the feeling of guilt and you will thank yourself in the long run.
It’s the small things:
Paint your nails. Read a chapter of a book. Spend some time on the phone with a family member. Watch an episode of your favourite programme. Take a relaxing bath. Moisturise your whole body. Do something small for you. If you have a busy schedule, these won’t take up too much time of your day. But, they ensure you’re doing something small for your mind, body or soul.
Switch off:
We live in a society that is more connected than ever. Human interactions are evolving to be digital. Take some time on the weekend away from social media. Switch off your phone, shut down your laptop and spend some time outdoors. Look up from your phone and swap your text conversations for face-to-face ones. Don’t become so immersed in the digital world that you forget to live your life in the real world.
Cluttered space = cluttered mind. Spend some time getting rid of stuff you don’t need in your home, wardrobe and on your work desk. It’s surprising how much a clear space can clear your mind. Although try to de-cluttering your social channels. Remove people who don’t bring anything positive to your life. You don’t want to follow people who leave you feeling unmotivated.
Surround yourself with positive people:
Following on from that last point…surround yourself with like-minded, positive people. Those who support you. People who compliment you. Friends who lift you up. People who celebrate your success and clap when you win not fail. Sometimes you don’t realise how much someone was impacting your life in a bad way until you let them go. Don’t feel bad if you’ve let this happen – it happens to the best of us. You also don’t need to feel bad for letting them go, it’s part of learning to take care of yourself.
Don’t restrict yourself:
It’s so easy to fall into a trap of restriction when you are on a diet or saving money. This is fine. Self-control and willpower are great traits to have. Ensure you have a balance in this aspect of your life. Don’t restrict yourself so much that you feel miserable.
Eaten well all week? Let yourself have that slice of cake. Did something you’re proud of? Treat yourself to that top you’ve wanted for ages. Had a difficult day and all you want is to eat some comfort food? Let yourself have a treat. Take care of your mind and soul as well as your body.
I’m definitely going to start listening to my body and taking time out for self-care. These are just a few simple things to try and get you started. Let me know what you do for self-care in the comments below or tweet @totmorganic!