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Pain relief for endometriosis – Tips from a qualified wellbeing coach

Girl curled up in period pain

Our resident period coach Katherine Glyde shares her tips on pain relief for endometriosis.

Pain relief for endometriosis is a really personal topic and the key thing I want you to take away from this blog is to feel empowered to make the choice that feels right for you.

Wherever you are with your endometriosis do reach out to your healthcare provider for a discussion about pain relief. They will be able to provide you with a completely personalized plan to best meet your individual needs. Prescription pain relief, over the counter pain relief or referrals to pain management clinics are options they can discuss with you.

There are also a range of non-medicinal pain relief options that might be helpful to you to manage your symptoms. These can include:

Applying heat

Heat can be a helpful tool to help you with your pain. Hot water bottles, heat patches, warm baths, wheat bags and so on. Hot water bottles can be placed on your stomach, back or across your shoulders to help ease pain. Using heat for pain relief does come with a risk of burning yourself, please do be careful to not place anything hot directly onto your skin.

TENs machines

TENs machines are discreet pain management tools. They are devices that use a mild electric current to relieve pain, you can attach pads directly to your skin where you are experiencing pain, they can be worn under clothes and have a range of different settings. Please note that TENs machines are not suitable for use in pregnancy or if you’re diabetic. If in doubt, please seek medical attention before using a TENs machine.

Movement-based exercises or physiotherapy

Some people with endometriosis find relief with movement-based support such as physiotherapy, yoga or Pilates. In their own unique ways these can work to strengthen pelvic floor and abdominal muscles which can be compromised by endometriosis. They can also support with anxiety and stress management.

Holistic treatments

Acupuncture can also be an effective pain management tool. Ideally you would need an acupuncturist with an understanding of menstrual health specifically endometriosis to help you get the most from the treatment. They will insert needles into certain points of your body to stimulate your nerve endings to relieve pain.

Reflexology is another holistic treatment which can provide relief for endometriosis, again do look out for a menstrual health specialist. Reflexology is based on all parts of the body being mapped out on the hands and feet; massage of these areas can stimulate the body’s natural healing process to alleviate pain.


CBD is being used more and more to support chronic pain management. CBD has no psychoactive element and cannot get you high. Research is showing that CBD may help ease the symptoms of anxiety as well as soothing inflammation. CBD comes in many forms including capsules, oils, balms, drinks and so on depending on your preference. Do ensure if you choose CBD, you purchase it from a reputable company and check with your health practitioner or GP beforehand.

It’s important to find what endometriosis pain relief works for you

Other potentially helpful tools to help manage pain could be exercise, walking, talking therapies, supplements such as valerian root and meditation.  As said at the beginning pain relief is a personal choice so do choose what works best for you. You can dip in and out of different treatment options depending on your needs.

After struggling with her periods for a long time, Katherine was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2018 , After finding it difficult to get support she decided to create it. Katherine is a qualified Personal Performance and Life Coach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Wellbeing Coach and Addictive Behaviours Specialist Coach. She uses all these skills to support clients on a one to one and group coaching basis. You can learn more about Katherine here. For more blogs on endometriosis, check out this one by Endometriosis UK.

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