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How can you support others with their periods?

Woman holding period powerful pink mirror with tampons next to her on pillow


Want to support period powerful causes and help others? Here are ways you can make a difference to support menstrual wellness and dignity in the UK. 

At TOTM, we’re taking a stand to shake up the period care industry for good. For too long periods have been considered a taboo topic often shrouded in secrecy and shame. As a result, problems have arisen beneath the veil of silence and these impact people’s lives on a daily basis.

We’re taking action in the following ways:

  • We’re tackling the period plastic problem with our planet-friendly period care range.
  • We are proud to support Endometriosis UK, donating 1% of all online revenue every year.
  • We launched our Period Dignity Workplace Scheme in 2019 to encourage employers to support menstrual needs and provide period products for free in workplaces.
  • We use our platform to spread awareness around periods and share educational content to break down stigma and help others to take power over their menstrual wellbeing.
  • We run campaigns to improve access to period care products and support charities such as Binti and In Kind Direct.

By supporting our mission, you join our movement to drive period powerful change and make a difference. Here are other ways that you can get involved and support others:


How you can support and get involved

Sign or start petitions

Petitions have made a real difference in this space over the past few years. Ella Daish’s amazing #EndPeriodPlastic campaign garnered over 200,000 signatures. It resulted in major supermarkets stocking eco-friendly ranges and major retailers ditching own label lines with plastic tampon applicators. Furthermore, Amika George’s #FreePeriods movement and petition resulted in the UK Government introducing free period products in schools across England.

You can find active petitions and causes on either the UK Government & Parliament website or via the website. Alternatively, if you want to take matters into your own hands, you can start your own petition and campaign! On starting up her petition, Ella Daish told us, “I kept thinking how many, like me, aren’t even aware of this problem. Subsequently, this led me to start the petition to make all these products plastic free and biodegradable, and to raise awareness of this issue.” 


Donate your products

A recent study by Plan International found that 1 in 4 young woman cannot afford menstrual products since the start of 2022. Period care products are essential items and everyone deserves to menstruate with dignity. We are therefore proud to support organisations such as Binti and In Kind Direct.

If you’re a TOTM customer then you can ‘gift a box of pads’ or donate your next subscription order if you don’t need products to In Kind Direct. We’ll then send these gifted products to In Kind Direct who distribute products across the UK via their charity partner network.

You can also donate products in your local supermarket or via community-run food banks in your area.


Be part of the conversation

Social media has the power to drive meaningful and positive change. We’re growing a community across social platforms who engage with taboo breaking conversations and content around menstrual health and wellbeing. 

To get involved and spread awareness, join our community across Instagram, TikTok & Facebook – search @totmorganic. 

You can also join wider annual campaigns across socials which raise awareness and drive period positive change. For example, during October WEN run Enviromenstrual week which is a chance to raise awareness of period plastics and plastic-free periods.


Say no to period plastics

Conventional products are damaging the planet and can contain up to 90% plastic! In more recent years the period care industry has been exposed for harming the planet. Plastic wrappers, plastic tampon applicators and synthetic ingredients are all common in the top-selling period care products.

Switching to an eco-friendly period care product can make a big difference. Even if all you can do is to ditch plastic tampon applicators in favour of cardboard or reusable applicators. There are so many options available for a planet-friendly period including organic cotton tampons, pads or menstrual cups. You can explore the TOTM range here.

Hopefully, we’ve inspired you to be part of our period powerful movement which is set up to drive change. These are only a few way to get involved and support menstrual needs.  If you know of other relevant petitions or projects, please let us know in the comments below or tag us on socials! 

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