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A gift from us this Easter 2017

This is no April Fools; ahead of Easter Sunday (16th April), every order dispatched in the first two weeks of April will receive a delicious little treat!

Here’s the low-down of what you will be receiving in your TOTM order*:

Conscious organic raw chocolate

The darkest treat Conscious* can produce. With 85% cacao solids, this bar is a dark chocolate lovers paradise! Raw, hand-made, and certified organic, vegetarian and vegan – it’s free from gluten, dairy and soya – and only sweetened with agave nectar. All sealed in a biodegradable and compostable wrapper. What more could you want?

What’s better than one piece of chocolate?

Well, how about a bar of ohso* orange Belgian chocolate too? There’s around a billion Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium friendly bacteria in every bar – that’s live bacteria delivered three times more effectively than dairy products. Which may assist your digestive and immune system. Gluten and nut free, no artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives. The perfect chocolate fix for that time of the month.

Craving chocolate during your period certainly isn’t a new notion, but seeing as it’s almost Easter, we thought it was the most fitting way to give something back to you, our loyal customers and subscribers.

Happy Easter from #TeamTOTM

We’d love to know what food you crave during your period – let us know in the comments below.

*These items are subject to availability and are available whilst stocks last. Depending on stock volume we may not be able to provide both chocolate bars in your order. Order early to avoid disappointment.

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